오늘의 중국어

[중국유학, 차이홈] 요녕대학교에서 배운 중국어(26)

차이홈유학원 2021. 1. 25. 14:31


*Taxi 出租车 chuzuche (2)


1.speed 速度 sudu


2.(a little)faster 快一点 kuai yidian


3.please go faster 请你快一点 qing ni kuai yidian


4.i want to get out 我要下车 wo yao xia che


5.direction 方向 fangxiang


6.to turn right 向右转 xiang you zhuan


7.to go back 向后 xiang hou


8.air-conditioner 空调 kong tiao


9.could you please switch off the air-conditioner? 你可以关空调吗? ni keyi guan kongtiao ma?


10.could you please switch on the air-conditioner? 你可以开空调吗? ni keyi kai kongtiao ma?


11.please close the window 请关车窗 qing guan chechuang


12.please open the window 请开车窗 qing kai chechuang


13.how much does it cost? 多少钱 duoshao qian?


14.may i pay with this card? 我可以用这张卡付吗? wo keyi yong zhe zhang kafu ma?


15.do you have cash? 你有现金吗? ni you xianjin ma?