오늘의 중국어

[중국유학, 차이홈] 요녕대학교에서 배운 중국어(34)

차이홈유학원 2021. 2. 5. 11:35


*bar & drinking



1.bar 酒吧 jiuba


2.is there a bar near here? 这儿 附近 有 酒吧 吗?zher fujin you jiuba ma?


3.shall we go to a bar and drink something? 我们 去 酒吧 喝 一点儿 什么 , 好吗?

women qu jiuba he yidianr shenme , haoma?


4.can i offer you a drink? 我 可以 请 你 喝 一点儿 什么吗? wo keyi qing ni he yidianr shenme ma?


5.the drink is on me(it"s my treat) 我 请客 wo qingke


6.the drink is on you(it"s your treat) 你 请客 ni qingke


7.what would you like to drink? 你 想 喝 什么?ni xiang he shenme?


8.i want to drink..... 我 想 喝.....wo xiang he.....


9.please give me some milk 请 给我 一点儿 牛奶 qing geiwo yidianr niunai


10.i would like an espresso 我 想 喝一杯espresso咖啡 wo xiang heyibei espresso kafei


11.i would like a cup of green tea 我 想 要 绿茶 wo xiang yao lucha


12.i would like an americano 我 想 要一杯 美式 咖啡 wo xiang yaoyibei meishi kafei


13.please give me a glass of fruit juice 请 来 杯 果汁 qing lai bei guozhi


14.i"d like a glass of dark beer 请 给我 来一杯 黑啤酒 qing gei wo lai yibei heipijiu


15.cola 可乐 kele


16.beer 啤酒 pijiu


17.still water 不 带汽 的 水 bu daiqi de shui


18.sparkling water 带汽 的 水 daiqi de shui


19.mineral water 矿泉水 kuangquanshui


20.red wine 红 葡萄酒 hong putaojiu


21.with ice 加冰 jia bing


22.white wine 白 葡萄酒 bai putaojiu


23.without ice 不加冰 bu jia bing


24.prosecco 汽酒 qijiu


25.i"d like a little ice(cube) 我想 要 一点儿 冰(块儿)wo xiang yao yidianr bing (kuair)


26.chinese beer 中国 啤酒 zhongguo pijiu


27.where is the exit? 出口 在 哪里?chukou zai nali?


28.where is the restroom? 卫生间 在 哪里?weishengjian zai nali?