오늘의 중국어

[중국유학, 차이홈] 요녕대학교에서 배운 중국어(33)

차이홈유학원 2021. 2. 2. 18:50









1.what would you like to buy? 你想 买 什么? ni xiang mai shenme?


2.can you help me? 你 可以 帮帮 我 吗?ni keyi bangbang wo ma?


3.i"ll take this 我 买 这个 wo mai zhege


4.i"m not buying anything 我 什么 也 不买 wo shenme ye bumai


5.can i take a closer look? 我 可以 看看吗?wo keyi kankan ma?


6.i"m just looking 看一下 kan yixia


7.i am not buying anything, but i would just like to look around

我 不买,我 只想 看看 wo bumai,wo zhi xiang kankan


8.how much does this cost? 这个 多少钱? zhege duoshao qian?


9.it"s too expensive 太贵了 tai guile


10.how much dose that cost? 那个 多少钱? nage duoshao qian?


11.i would like an expensive one 我 想 要 贵的 wo xiang yao gui de


12.is there a discount? 有 折(扣)吗?tou zhe(kou)ma?


13.i don"t want an expensive one 我 不要 贵的 wo buyao gui de


14.there"s a 30% discount 百分之 三十的 折扣 bai fen zhi sanshi de zhekou


15.i would like a cheap one 我 想要 便宜的 wo xiang yao pianyi de