[중국어학연수, 요녕대학교] 차이홈 에서 배운 HSK(73)

차이홈유학원 2021. 5. 28. 00:06





紧 jin







adj. fastened; firm




拉紧 lajin(tighten)



拧紧 ningjin(fasten)



抓紧绳子 zhuajinshengzi)






adj. tight; taut




领子紧 lingzijin(the collar is tight)



松紧带儿 songjindair(elastic)



鞋太紧 xietaijin(the shoes are too tight)






v. tighten




紧一紧绳子 jinyijinshengzi(tighten the rope)






adj. urgent; pressing




任务紧 renwujin(the task is urgent)



时间紧 shijianjin(be pressed for time)






adj. hard up; short of money




手头紧 shoutoujin(be short of money)