오늘의 중국어

[중국유학, 요녕대학교] 차이홈 에서 배운 중국어(50)

차이홈유학원 2021. 2. 25. 09:45





1.current price 现价 xianjia


2.special price 特价 tejia


3.original price 原价 yuanjia


4.market price 市价 shijia


5.cost price 成本价 chengbenjia


6.buying price 买价 maijia


7.selling price 卖价 maijia


8.maximum price 最高价 zuigaojia


9.minimum price 最低价 zuidijia


10.base price 低价 dijia


11.average price 平均价 pingjunjia


12.ex-factory price 出厂价 chuchangjia


13.retail price 零售价 lingshoujia


14.wholesale price 批发价 pifajia


15.cif(cost,insurance and freight) price 到岸价 daoanjia


16.fob(free on board) price 离岸价 lianjia


17.target price 目标价 mubiaojia


18.my target price is... 我的 目 标价 是。。。wo de mu biao jia shi...


19.this price is high compared to my target price 这个 价格 比 我的 目标 价高 zhege jiage bi wode mu biao jia gao